If somebody told me a few years ago that I would eventually trade in sports for the arts, I probably wouldn't have believed him. But I'm pretty damn glad that I did.

Now, when I say "traded in sports", I don't mean that I completely banned and shunned sports from my life. I'm still that athletic, sports loving kid (who also happens to be a stat geek), but I'm starting to show more of a side I kept hidden. Yep, you guessed it, the artsy side. Who would've known, right? Definitely not my friends, parents, and hell, anyone else for that matter. I even shocked myself a couple times!!

Actually, multiply those "couple of times" by at least 100,000, and you get how shocked I was/am at myself. And I must say, I'm also pretty proud of myself.

It feels good to be involved in theater, music, and all the like. Considering that I do music on the side, it didn't feel as weird when I did Vocal Velocity. Acting? WHOLE new ballgame. Was I nervous? Nervous would be an understatement, but people seem to say that I have good stage presence. That's good to hear, I guess! After all, I'm still a rookie.

I think it's safe to say that even though I love sports A LOT, I may have found a different kind of "home-field advantage": the stage.

Pardon my indulgence.

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